
BAT-SC provides Anti-Human Trafficking training opportunities, at no cost, to churches, youth groups, schools, parents groups, businesses and community groups. Inquire or schedule a training session today for those in your group by contacting

Session options

All sessions are tailored to your specific group. We can also combine information from each session based on your requests.

What is Human Trafficking

A 60 minute session that informs participants about Human Trafficking in their area. Topics include: signs of trafficking, steps to take if you suspect trafficking activity, community resources for survivors.

Keeping Kids Safe Online:

A 60 minutes session that equips parents to know the warning signs of online predators and protect their children from victimization.

Teen Talks:

A 60 minute session that brings awareness to teens of the tactics used by online predators and how to protect themselves from being victimized.

Make it your mission:

A 60 minute session that presents opportunities to get involved in eradicating human trafficking, serving survivor needs and engaging the mission to bring awareness of human trafficking to our state.